科幻电影 失去安慰 第1集


ChrisScheuerman 安德鲁·詹金斯梅丽莎·罗斯伯格LeahGibsonCharlieKerr迈克尔·科普萨JohannahNewmarch卡门·摩尔布里特妮·威尔逊杰德·瑞斯KristaMagnusson布莱登·佛雷切ZlatkoStipicDimitriVantis 科幻电影 加拿大 2015 查看整部剧情
Spence Cutler is a psychopath. He's never felt empathy or guilt. However, a fateful encounter with a new drug is about to give him a dose of too much reality, and he takes a mind-bending trip down the psychedelic highway of consciousness to come face to face with his own morality and his own twisted soul.