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神秘博士 第七季 Doctor Who Season 7/2012

神秘博士 第七季 Doctor Who Season 7


又名:异世奇人 第七季 / 下一位博士 第七季 / 哪一位博士 第七季 / Dr. Who Season 7




暂无资源--可能原因 1:新片上映(通常新片上映一个月后才会有清晰资源流出);2:资源太冷门;3:资源太敏感;4:也可能是站长忘记了,欢迎在下面留言提醒


Series 7 of Doctor Who is expected to air on BBC One throughout 2012 and 2013.[1] The BBC announced the news of the new series, which will contain fourteen episodes, on the official Doctor Who site on 8 June 2011.[2] Series 7 will begin its run in the Autumn of 2012 with five regular stand-alone episodes and a Christmas Special. It will then be followed by the remaining eight episodes in 2013. [3]

It has been announced that the Eleventh Doctor, played by Matt Smith will return for the full series.[4] Karen Gillan, who plays Amy Pond, will return for the series, as will Arthur Darvill as Amy’s husband Rory Williams.[5][6] This series will see the departure of both Amy and Rory after an encounter with the Weeping Angels in episode five. A new companion portrayed by Jenna-Louise Coleman will be introduced in the Christmas Special.

神秘博士 第七季 Doctor Who Season 7
神秘博士 第七季 Doctor Who Season 7
神秘博士 第七季 Doctor Who Season 7

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