剧情电影 布莱顿4号 第0集


列万·科古瓦什威利 LevanTedaishviliGiorgiTabidze卡希·卡夫萨泽娜杰日达·米哈尔科娃IrakliKavsadzeTornikeBziavaAnastasiaRomashkoGiorgiKipshidzeLauraRekhviashviliIrmaGachechiladzeLewGardnerTsutsaKapanadzeArchilMakalatia斯特凡尼娅·马卡洛娃YuriZur 剧情电影 格鲁吉亚俄罗斯 2021 查看整部剧情
When former wrestling champion Kakhi learns that his son Soso has gotten himself into difficulties, he travels from Georgia to New York to help him and find out what is going on… Levan Koguashvili has set his latest offering in Brooklyn’s Brighton Beach, capturing the diverse atmosphere of a neighborhood that is home to immigrants from the former Soviet Union – a place where la...